Booktuber Recommendations #1

I LOVE BOOKTUBE! As a reader, I love hearing people talk about books and book related things. And in addition to being super fun and entertaining to watch, they always get me in a reading mood. SO, I’ve decided to start recommending some of my favorite booktubers to you guys, in case you want to check them out or need some inspiration. On each Booktuber Recommendations post I’ll be giving you guys three reasons why I love each booktuber as well as the links to their channels and bookstagrams.


Dana Wilkinson:


  • Her videos always manage to take me to a very happy place because she doesn’t try to sound professional or incredibly smart and deep when she talks about a book or explain it. It’s like she’ll fangirl and say what she thinks about the book in the same exact way she thinks of it in the first place. It’s very cute, very endearing.
  • I believe her favorite genre is contemporary, as that is what she talks about the most on her channel. And even though my all time favorite genre is fantasy, contemporary comes very close behind, so naturally, I love hearing people gush and fangirl over cute contemporary novels.
  • She’s just simply so adorable and always makes me think of cute, sweet, girly things and for some reason watching her videos always makes me want to huddle up in my bed wrapped in a bunch of blankets with my laptop and a book and a hot cup of tea, while the weather is chilly. Don’t ask me why, but her videos (and her pictures) give me those cozy, chill vibes.
  • Youtube & Bookstagram


Books Beauty Ameriie:

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  • I really love that her channel is not only about books but also about beauty. I absolutely love makeup and styling my hair and fashion, and even though I don’t love those things as much as I love books, they come close to it. So I really love that I can get my dose of books AND beauty in one channel.
  • Her reviews are always so eloquent and she speaks them in a way that you can’t help but be drawn to listen to what she’s saying. Every time I watch one of her reviews I just immediately feel like I need to read the book she’s reviewing, or not read it at all, because she does such a spectacular job at describing them and expressing her thoughts about them.
  • The overall look and feel of her channel is very classy, clean and well put together, and I’m personally a huge fan of classiness. (AND SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL)
  • Youtube & Instagram



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  • Let’s just go straight into the fact that her bookstagram is absolutely gorgeous, and that she’s freaking queen of bookstagram. I’m infatuated with her pictures, I can never get enough of them. They’re literally goals, and just like with Dana, I found her bookstagram before I found her channel, so the flawless pictures and over all beautiful aesthetic of her account was what ultimately made me check out her channel.
  • Emily is so dorky and charming and funny. She’s the type of person you’d just want to be around all the time, I can’t help watching her videos and thinking she’s the type of person I’d be friends with.
  • Her videos have like a casual, chilling and talking about books with a hot cup of tea kinda vibe going on, and I dig that. Also, her room is so lovely, it’s like it has bookstagram/tumblr written all over it.
  • Youtube & Bookstagram



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  • I started following Alina waaaay before she made a booktube, back when her account was starting, so when she announced that she was making a booktube, I was ecstatic. She’s such a sweet person, and her bookstagram was (and still is) lovely (pun intended), so seeing the transition from bookstagram to booktube was pretty cool.
  • I love tumblr, and Alina’s whole aesthetic and vibes are very tumblr to me. Her room is so pretty and she’s so gorgeous and sweet and the way she goes about things is very… Clean and fresh and classy in a very simplistic way. Not to mention her bookshelf is flawless.
  • Her way of speaking is very paused and cool and collected which is nice for a change because although fangirling like a crazy person is fun to do and watch, sometimes one just wants a more relaxed, lovely (pun intended) vibe.
  • Youtube & Bookstagram



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  • Sasha’s one of the more popular booktubers so I don’t think I even need to tell you guys about her channel, but I will anyways! She’s so hilarious in a crazy fangirl kind of way. I love how when she picks up a new obsession (aliens, Scotland, Emerson College) and she’ll just obsess over it and talk about it to no end.
  • Even though she’s incredibly funny and pretty much the definition of a fangirl, she does know how to give a proper review or opinion on a book.
  • SHE LOVES FANTASY! This is such a huge plus because fantasy is my favorite genre, and I always appreciate some fantasy recommendations or just simply hearing her rave over fantasy books.
  • Youtube & Instagram


I hope you check out and enjoy these lovely accounts, remember to show your support by liking and commenting on their videos and pictures, and HAPPY VIEWING!


Adriana (4)

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